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The contrast is in the detail



It doesn't have to be fast and noisy to be convincing. Just imagine: 2 striking gliders, one of them in inverted flight, the other immediately below, barely a wingspread separating them. Mirror flight – an aeronautically very demanding formation rarely shown by gliders.

The planes have no engines to assist pilots with gravity providing propulsion, which is exactly why the energy available must be optimally rationed.

The performance by the Blanix-team includes classic aerobatics in addition to the mirror flight, which have to be presented either synchronised or practically in display. The show is supported by some soft music as well as smoke and light effects on the wingtips.


The Blanik L13 is perfect for formation flight in all attitudes thanks to its distinct flight silhouette and low flight speed. The Blanix-team's two planes, having been built in 1965 and 1972, can definitely be considered to be classics but are still in excellent condition, not least thanks to their solid metal construction.

The Blanix-team, however, not only sees action at airshows, but thanks to its Fowler flaps the Blanik can land at very short distance. This allows for landing on ski slopes such as the Hahnenkamm, golf courses or in front of the Donauturm tower in Vienna, as has already been demonstrated.

In addition to the classic flight shows, the stunt-trilogy "Akte BlaniX 1 bis 3" was also produced together with the Red Bull Skydive Team. In doing so, man and machine became closely connected and ideas previously not thought possible were implemented in spectacular fashion.

More information is available at info@blanix.com.

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